About Me

As a little girl, I was fascinated by the old women in the neighborhood.  Everything they packed into the tiny rooms of their homes were treasures, preserved under delicate layers of dust, which just a touch of lavender oil.  The aromas wafting out from their ancient ovens always had just the right combination of cocoa, cinnamon and (I learned much later) brandy.  They always seemed to have nothing better to do than to sit and tell us stories from their youth or share their picture albums of families long gone.  Yet, somehow they managed to fill trunks with knitted hats and massive quilts they had made out of tiny bits of fabric and intricate embroidery.  They had gardens full of juicy heirloom tomatoes and giant dahlias and bushels and bushels of peaches they would make into the most delicious jam.

Now, I am the old woman of the story and I am, in turn, fascinated with the little girl that I was.  I realize that I am still that young girl, eager to learn life’s lessons, excited to wake up in the morning to begin anew.  I then was, and am, the Maiden, first (and still) in love and then, from that love, blessed Mother.  My own little girls, now long grown, still live within my arms.

The Great Wheel has turned, and I am now a Crone, a grandmother. It is my time to sit and snap beans, and tell my stories, while my freshly shampooed hair dries in the sun.  There is no mourning for lost youth, because it has not gone.  It is still within me; who I am has not been lost.  Only my body has changed, a few new details have been added to the map of my life’s path.  Maiden and Mother remain; We are One.


I have spent a lot of time reflecting on the path I am walking in this life, and began sharing some of the life lessons I have learned in another blog I write, The Guidwife’s Garden.  If you like to garden, like to cook with what’s fresh and in season, or love chickens, I’d love to have you join me there!

I joined the YouTube pagan community in 2011, which is a wonderful place to share ideas and learn from each other’s experiences.  My channel is called, simply, guidwife.

This website is meant to be a place to bring the two together, and further share my experiences along my spiritual path, through my blog, Walking the Wheel of the Year.

This is a perfect venue for me to list and describe the Tarot readings I am currently using, which can be done in person, using Zoom, or posted as an unlisted video on YouTube.  Please note that I often update the reading selections I offer, which often reflect the changing energies with the turning of the seasons on the Wheel.  Please check back often for interesting additions!

Lastly, I am able to offer for sale some items I have made that I use in my own practice, such as soaps, incense blends, handcrafted socks and wraps, candles and poppets — listed in From My Cupboard. These items change regularly, so be sure to check back often!

Thank you for stopping by!  I hope you will come back soon.

I am Rebecca.  I wish you blessings.