Road Bump or Road Block?

When The World card appears in a Tarot reading, I take notice.  This card trumpets the completion of a journey, a major accomplishment, the realization of a long-held dream or aspiration.  Celebration is at hand, — or just around the corner.  What’s the problem, then?  Why do I feel myself drowning in a sea of doubt, licking wounds inflicted by words honestly meant to help me along my journey?

There is often a conflicting message in any reading I do for myself that results in the suit of Cups leading the way.  As a triple Cancer, I often find my ever-changing emotions getting the better of me.  Here, the chalice is constantly receiving the emotional energies that I hold inside, all the vulnerable bits tucked beneath the crab’s tough outer shell.  The message of the Dead is clear: Allow careful thought to properly guide me towards the changes I want to see in my life; a map drawn entirely of my emotions will find me soon lost and dissatisfied with my journey.  Do not give up and do not be afraid!  The road I have taken is the right one and whatever difficulty I find will be brief.

I am not drowning; I am treading water.  I can put my head down and swim, with assurance and skill, in any direction I choose.  Again, the Dead assure me: Once I have given careful thought to the direction I wish to go in, I will be ready for a new phase of creativity that will bring something new to light.  I am not wrong; I have merely been misunderstood. Time is on my side.  The direction I will move through the waves is under my own control.  But, The King of Wands (following the advise of THE STAR, I later drew this clarifying card) is always by my side, ready to give sound advice and constant support).

Do you want more details about this reading, or about the Witch’s Runes I used to help clarify the message I received from the Dead?  See my video on YouTube.

Cultivating the Crone’s Wisdom

It is a good time to remember that the natural aging process that brings us into the Crone status represents a potential, much like an inherit talent, that needs to be practiced in order to develop.  There is not an automatic transformation that occurs when we reach a certain age.  Just as it took years to physically acquire this status, it will take years to evolve into the archetype of the Crone that we celebrate.  The message is clear within these three cards.  The young are not the only ones guilty of rushing into an attractive new strategy, without giving careful thought and prudent evaluation of potential hidden dangers.

Anytime we rush ahead, with thought or action, we are vulnerable to what or who is behind us.  The possibility of loss or remorse is always present with narrow-sighted distancing from any given situation.  Very often, our eagerness to acquire a prize that stands before us leads us to falter, — to trip over our own two feet.

Anything worth having is worth waiting for.  My own impatience is often responsible for distracting me from reaching my goals.  Unwilling to sacrifice the time for much needed preparation, I am in danger of failing.  The Dead want me to see and understand with a new perspective, to let go of childish impatience and allow myself time to attain the profound change that is before me.

Want to know more?  Check out my video on YouTube!

A Promise of Renewal

It is The Shaman who led me here,– into my season of rebirth.  But, it is up to me to apply the lessons I have learned — to see the magick which lies before me.   I visited the great Pacific today.  I felt the cool sand under my feet and stood grounded, facing the wind.  The water, much warmer than usual, washed over me, and I allowed the stale negativity to flow out of me, and unequivocal love flow in.  The Sun hid his face but I felt his warm embrace, always available, always promising light and hope in the darkness.

Worrying about what has failed me in the past denies me the ability to see the magick that lies before me.  Like The Shaman, I know my place in the world; I have studied the patterns, I have learned and re-learned the lessons.  It is not about what I can receive; it is about what I have to add to the waters of life,– for myself and for those around me.  Knowing what excites me, what makes me curious, can give me the courage I need to bring purpose and love into my life.

Want to hear more about this reading?
Watch my video on YouTube!


New Tricks for Two Old Dogs

We’ve been feeling the need to change the direction of our lives for a long time, but we’ve honestly been struggling with making the changes a part of our daily routines.  Since my husband and I retired, we have been focused on what we can make of the years that lie ahead.  I’ve written before about this change and it’s natural progression, and the difficulties we sometimes have letting go of past losses and failures.  It seems we are still waiting for the gates of our future lives to open up and receive us.

Too often we make excuses.  We blame others who have disappointed us, poor decisions we ourselves have made in the past, or lack of our own abilities or energies to sustain us in this unknown territory.  But, if we do not make our own decisions, our own choices, they will be made for us by our own lack of action.

It is past time for our hearts to heal and our minds to clear.  The message cannot be any stronger.  If we truly desire change, we must change.  If we seek growth, we must grow.  Opportunities are being offered; it is up to us to accept them and be happy in our own choices.

Want to know more about these cards?  Watch my video on YouTube!

The Way of the Witch

Here is your wake-up call, Dorothy.  There will be no more surrendering, no more helpless retreat.  The only thing that blocks you now is giving up too soon.  Keep moving forward and do not let your own fears and insecurities stand in your way.  Do not blame your competition; they have your face in the mirror, just as you have theirs.  Kansas is where you need it to be; it is not gone from you.

Stand on the earth.  Listen to the wind.  Feel the passion burning within and ride the waves where your youthful determination yearns to go.  You have all the tools you need, the blessings of the God and the Goddess, and the energies of the nature spirits to guide you.  Go in peace; abide in peace.

Watch my video on YouTube to learn more!


Reworking Old Patterns

How many times must we repeat a lesson before it is learned?  It is important to make mistakes, because our failures of the past are meant to grow into our future successes.  Learning hard lessons enable us to grow into a new wisdom.  But, when we find we are experiencing the same disappointments over and over again, we need to look into the areas of our lives where there may be a separation, a discord between ourselves and others, — or simply within ourselves.

I have been guilty of shortsightedness on more than once occasion, and have suffered the consequences of it.  I have tried to follow poorly written patterns to complete a knitting project, attempted to overlook blatant mistakes in new recipes, and spent many hours and  many dollars sewing costumes from patterns that 1) do not fit, and 2) do not suit what I am trying to make in the first place.  I make corrections, fudge mistakes and freelance with my needles and scissors, never bothering to change the faulty instructions in the first place.  I am usually too rushed to write down any important changes so, ultimately, have to start over, again, the next time.

I find myself repeating mistakes I have made in other areas of my life, as well.  As the lynx, I need to pay attention to the physical realm, and to be aware of the effects generated by everything I do.  If I feel isolated, alone, — what may I be doing that causes a separation from those around me?  Are my expectations too high? my tolerances too low?  Am I really trying to correct mistakes of the past, or am I comfortable with the familiarity they provide me as I look to an uncertain future?

The promise of the cauldron is that of Rebirth.  It is a time for rejoicing the potential before me, for letting go of what no longer serves in order to grasp what lies before me.

Want to learn more about this reading?  Watch my video on YouTube!

Choosing to Succeed

There was a lot of talk this weekend about overcoming some roadblocks that have been on the road. It’s true; I want to achieve a lot, but I have felt held back in so many ways. But, who is my enemy here? Are there others who are holding me back, or am I my own worst enemy? Have I been consumed by negative thinking, or living past mistakes over and over again?

Am I ready for what lies ahead of me on the road? I may be determined to succeed, but how can I be sure that I am prepared for any changes that may be ahead of me? I need to be certain of what I am truly wanting to achieve, and realize that achieving a goal is only possible if I choose to succeed. Practice is not enough! Nothing can be left to chance.

What is my motivation? Is this really what I want? It is only after facing and defeating my greatest fears that I will be empowered to overcome adversity and open the pathway to success.

There is a lot of action in these cards. Nothing will be gained by dwelling on unanswered questions. I must release the hold the past has on me, and overcome my fears. When I have truly identified what I want, I can move forward with skillful determination.

Watch my video on YouTube!

Change Doesn’t Happen Overnight

Nothing remains the same. Change is inevitable, and occurs as a natural progression from what was to what will be. Each and every step in the transformation process is equally important, and must give way to the next. It is so easy to get stuck in the middle somewhere, and be unwilling to let go of past losses or failures.  So often, the temptation to hold onto unrealistic goals or ideas lingers, and we find ourselves stuck in the bitterness of stagnation. Learn from the past, and carry into the future only that which will serve you.

Want to know more about these cards?  Find my video on YouTube!

Adversity, Not Failure

It seems to be a weekend with a few stones on the road, but nothing I haven’t seen before.  I need to remember that adversity is only a bad thing when you lack the resources or experience to overcome it.  It’s a good time to look at the big picture and be less concerned with too much of the small stuff. The path I am on might be a little bumpy, but it can still lead me to where I want to go!

Want to know more?  Check out my video on YouTube!

Do You Know Your Big Three?

This photo was taken at a Bohemian Gypsy themed birthday party, where I was solicited to provide tarot readings for guests.  What a great time I had!  I did know most of the Querents, at least casually.  One by one, they approached the table for a reading, — with open minds, open hearts and (somewhat unfortunately) a sense of humor.

Don’t get me wrong.  I understand that most people consider tarot to be “for entertainment purposes only”.  In time, I think I can change their minds.

The same goes for the Weekly Tarotscopes I’ve been posting here on this blog.  But, this one I totally understand.  Most “weekly horoscopes” (of any kind) are too general to be of use to anyone, because they are based solely on a person’s Sun sign.  But, that is two details less than the absolute minimum one needs to describe themselves in astrological terms. Continue reading “Do You Know Your Big Three?”