Incense Blends

Loose Incense Blends

IMG_1420The following incense blends are made from the finest quality flowers, herbs, spices and resins available.  Each is prepared with intention, by the Guidwife, for the purpose given.  To use, sprinkle a pinch on an activated charcoal disc, adding more as desired.  Charcoal disc is sold separately, below.    

Complete Wheel of the Year Sabbat Incense Package, $65 [these blends are not sold separately]
Includes (1) each of Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon, Samhain, and Yule

Imbolc: may contain myrrh, benzoin, heather, angelica, basil, jasmine, ash bark, and chamomile
Ostara: may contain copal, benzoin, honeysuckle, jasmine, rose, violet, and dogwood
Beltane: may contain frankincense, dragon’s blood, benzoin, lilac, basil, rose, passionflower, and hibiscus
Litha: may contain copal, benzoin, chamomile, lavender, mugwort, rose, and meadowsweet
Lammas: may contain frankincense, sandalwood, heather, acacia flower, marigold, rose, sunflower, and arnica
Mabon: may contain myrrh, benzoin, honeysuckle, marigold, chamomile, witch’s white rose, and meadowsweet
Samhain: may contain mugwort, catnip, rosemary, sage, patchouli, pennyroyal, copal, clove, and ash bark
Yule: may contain frankincense, myrrh, bayberry, oak moss, rosemary, sage, and blessed thistle



Full Moon Esbat Blend, $4.95
Burn during a full moon Esbat ritual or when you wish to attune with the full moon energy.
May contain frankincense, sandalwood, hibiscus, jasmine, orange and rose.


Elemental Air Incense Blend, $8.50
Arnica flower, frankincense, sage, lavender, benzoin, peppermint and sandalwood are specially blended with purpose and intention for use to foster communication, feed creativity, ensure safe travel, and aid in finding lost items.


Elemental Fire Incense Blend, $8.50
Sunflower, angelica, copal, frankincense, basil, blessed thistle, dragon’s blood and rosemary are specially blended with purpose and intention for use to invoke the powers of the element of Fire. Burn to bring about change, increase drive and sensuality, purify, break bad habits or destroy illness and disease.


Elemental Water Incense Blend, $8.50
Bramble leaf, rose, catnip, hibiscus, chamomile, myrrh, sandalwood, passionflower and ash bark are specially blended with purpose and intention for use to invoke the powers of the element of Water. Burn to increase psychic abilities, to aid in meditation, and for matters relating to friendship, marriage, happiness and healing.


Elemental Earth Incense Blend, $8.50
Oak moss, patchouli, vetiver, mugwort, myrrh and honeysuckle are specially blended with purpose and intention for use to invoke the powers of the element of Earth.  Burn to provide stability and grounding, ensure business success and employment, or to increase prosperity or fertility.

Special Incense Powders

The following incense powders are made with the same fine quality flowers, herbs, spices and resins as above, but are prepared with specific intentions appropriate for the uses listed below.  Each is charged on my own altar before shipment. 

Physical & Spiritual Healing Powder, $5.95
Special Intention Incense Blend


Protection Powder, $5.95
Special Intention Incense Blend


Clearing & Rejuvenation Powder, $5.95
Special Intention Incense Blend


Money & Prosperity Powder, $5.95
Special Intention Incense Blend


Binding Powder, $5.95
Special Intention Incense Blend


Love & Lust Powder, $5.95
Special Intention Incense Blend


Remove Obstacles Powder, $5.95
Special Intention Incense Blend


Astral Travel & Meditation Powder, $5.95
Special Intention Incense Blend

IMG_1426Note: all incense blends sold on this site are non-combustible and must be burned on a charcoal disc.  Use a container deep enough to fill with sand (earth or salt may also be used).  Light the charcoal along one edge and, when the sparks begin to travel across the surface of the charcoal, place the disc on top of the sand.  The charcoal will turn gray as it begins to burn.  Sprinkle a small amount of incense onto the charcoal at a time, as needed.  If added too quickly, the fire will go out.

Three Kings Charcoal (33mm), roll of 10 discs, $4.50